Ways to Build Muscle After an Elderly Person Falls

Caregiver in Fair Oaks CA: Building Muscle After a Fall

After a fall, many elderly men and women become fearful of activity. If someone isn’t there, they’re not likely to go for a walk or do whatever activity led to the initial fall. One of the best ways to prevent a fall is by building muscle strength and improving balance and stamina. Here are some […]

Mom’s Moving in With You – Have You Planned for Your Own Needs?

Caregiver in Fair Oaks CA: When Mom Moves In

Your mom can’t handle daily activities of living alone. You’ve decided to move her into your house. Have you planned for your own needs? Do you know how this will affect everyone in your home? Caring for an aging parent is a struggle both emotionally and physically. In a 2015 AARP report, 2 out 10 […]

How to Cope When You Disagree with Your Parent’s Care Decisions


Caregiver in Fair Oaks CA As a family caregiver it is your responsibility to make sure that your parent lives the happiest, healthiest, and safest life that they can as they age in place. While you are doing this, however, it is important to remember that it is not your opinions and thoughts that are […]

Could Your Aging Parent Benefit From a Medical Alarm?

Caregivers in Fair Oaks, CA When you are giving care to an aging parent who lives at home, there is bound to be many things on your mind. You may be wondering how to make their home as safe as possible, and what to do in the case of an emergency. If your parent needs […]

Encouraging Mom to Connect to Technology when You’re Her Caregiver

A Better Living Home Care Sacramento Encouraging Mom to Connect to Technology when You’re Her Caregiver

Caregiver in Fair Oaks CA Technology has advanced so many aspects of life in modern society. Most people rely on technology far more than they actually realize. In fact, if you were to ask 100 people how much of their life (by percentage) is reliant on technology, most of them would likely vastly underestimate its […]

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