Senior Care News

Are You as Present as You Want to Be as a Caregiver?

Caregiver Granite Bay CA:Mindfulness and Being Present

When you’re constantly in a state of flux as a caregiver you can feel as if you’re pulled in different directions all the time. One practice that can help is that of being present. It helps you to ground yourself in what’s going on right now. You might need to practice it a little bit.

Mindfulness and Being Present Are Very Similar

Caregiver Granite Bay CA:Mindfulness and Being Present

Both being present and mindfulness ask you to ground yourself in what is happening right now in the situation you’re in. That means that you’re not thinking about tasks you haven’t finished or wishing you were somewhere else. When you’re able to be present, that allows you to really focus on the here and the now, which can be incredibly powerful.

It Isn’t Always Easy to Be Present
The problem is that being present, especially when you’re trying to do that in every moment of every day, isn’t as easy as all that. There’s a lot in modern society that pulls attention elsewhere. Also, as a caregiver, there are a lot of plates you’ve got balanced in the air. There’s an awful lot to keep up with at all times. So being present is something that takes a little time and attention to fully master.

Dump the Multitasking
One way to try to learn to be present more readily is to get rid of anything that involves multitasking. Lots of people believe that multitasking is much more efficient, but it really divides your attention and can make getting things done much more difficult. If you’re not completely convinced, give yourself a day or even an afternoon when you avoid multitasking. It might be difficult at first but give it an honest try and see if you feel more present.

Look for Where You Can Delegate Some Tasks
As a caregiver, you frankly have way too much to do. When you can outsource some of those tasks, whether they’re big tasks or small ones, that frees up time and energy for you to spend in much better ways. Hiring home care providers allows you to work with professionals who understand caregiving and what you need as a caregiver.

Being present might look different for you from one day to the next. What really matters is that you’re doing as much as you can to bring more mindfulness into your day. Practice a little more every day and see what it does for you.

Excerpt: Being present is one way that you can make the most of your time as a caregiver.

If you or an aging loved one needs a Caregiver in Granite Bay, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.

Jay Bloodsworth

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