Could Meal Planning Benefit Your Dad?
If you’re one of the many people who tie malnutrition to low weight, you should be aware that malnutrition isn’t always linked to extreme weight loss.
Is Your Senior in Denial about Driving?
Denial about driving is a little more common for seniors than you might think.
Consider Gift Ideas for Alzheimer’s During Safe Toys and Gifts Month
December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month it is an excellent time to assess the safety of gifts you give a parent with Alzheimer’s.
5 Stages of Grief a Senior Goes Through When Diagnosed With a Chronic Condition
The older a senior gets, the more they’re expecting health conditions to pop up; it’s a natural part of life.
Talking With Your Siblings About Caring For A Senior Parent
It’s National Family Caregiver’s Month and now is a great time to talk with your siblings about home care for a senior parent.
Clean, Organized Rooms Keep Your Dad Safe
Has your dad fallen? It’s not surprising if he has. Yearly, one out of four older adults falls. Fractures are one of the most common injuries after a fall.
What Seniors Should Know About Extremely Dry Skin
Everyone gets dry skin sometimes. But seniors are prone to developing a medical condition called Xerosis which is extremely dry and flakey skin. Xerosis is very common among seniors and if it’s not treated it can cause infections and other problems. It’s also very uncomfortable. November is National Healthy Skin month so it’s a great […]
4 Reasons Fad Diets Are Bad For Seniors
November is Good Nutrition Month and if you have a senior loved one that is overweight it’s a good time to remember that fad diets can often do more harm than good, especially for seniors. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for seniors, and seniors who are overweight may want to try and diet […]
November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
If you have a senior in your life that loves Peanut Butter, November is the month to experiment with new recipes. Senior home care providers can find healthier recipes other than the average peanut butter and jelly and kind find unique ways to celebrate National Peanut Butter Lovers Month. This is the year to start […]
Loss of Taste and Senior Citizens: What Should You Know?
Most people are now aware that loss of taste is a symptom of Covid-19. However, if your elderly loved one has loss of taste, that doesn’t automatically mean they have Covid-19. There are some other reasons for loss of taste in senior citizens. As a family caregiver, it can be helpful to learn about these […]