What To Do After a Senior is Diagnosed With Cancer

Cancer treatments can affect older people differently than they would affect a young person. When a senior is diagnosed with cancer, it can be challenging to accept and even harder for a senior to handle. It will be essential to have a support system for the whole family. One of the best things to do […]

Medication Management Tips For Seniors And Their Families

Medication management is absolutely essential for your senior loved one. Without a good organizational system to make sure that medications are stored properly, refilled on time, and taken when they should be. your senior parent’s health is at risk. But if your senior parent has a lot of health conditions or takes a lot of […]

How to Boost Nutrition When Your Senior Doesn’t Want to Eat

Your elderly family member may go through periods when she doesn’t want to eat much, if anything at all. That might not be such a big deal, except your senior can lose nutrients quickly when she’s not eating a healthy diet as consistently as she should be. Talk with Her Doctor The first step needs […]

Nine Hydrating Fruits and Vegetables to Add to Your Senior’s Diet

Is your senior getting enough water? With more of these vegetables and fruits, she might be able to sneak more into her diet. Berries Berries are perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth, but their rich colors betray some other important information. Berries are high in antioxidants and other necessary vitamins and minerals. They’re also […]

Great Activities for People Who Have Dementia

Dementia patients still need to do daily activities. In fact, doing daily activities can help to slow down the progression of dementia. As a family caregiver, there are many great activities that you can encourage your elderly loved one to do if they have dementia. You can also make a list of activities your elderly […]

Can Your Senior Do Anything about Hypertension?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious issue. Your senior may only have mild issues with her blood pressure at first but that can change quickly. High blood pressure is often referred to as “the silent killer,” because often people don’t realize that they have anything wrong until they’re officially diagnosed. Putting together a […]

Five Ways to Be Proactive about Your Senior’s Fall Risk

Falls are a serious issue for aging family members. You might not think that your senior is at great risk for falling, but the statistics on falls don’t lie. Millions of older adults are severely injured every year, including breaking bones or experiencing brain injuries. You can take steps now to reduce your senior’s fall […]

Do Poor Dietary Habits Raise Your Mom’s Risk of Hospitalization?

The older she gets, the more your mom seems to rely on quick meals. She doesn’t often cook for herself. She says it’s too hard to cook dinner for one, so she’d rather eat a frozen dinner or can of soup. While it’s easier, studies find that a poor diet can increase your mom’s risk […]

Managing Your Parent’s Type 2 Diabetes

If your parent has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, her world may be looking a little different as she learns how to manage her diabetes and maintain a healthy lifestyle. As her caregiver, yours may look a little different too, as you help her implement new changes to the way she lives her […]

Planning a Trip with your Elderly Parent

As summer gets closer and many families see their schedules free up, they are planning some type of summer trip, especially after missing out on many travel plans over the past year. As a caregiver of an elderly parent, you might be planning a trip as well – whether it’s for fun or perhaps it’s […]

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