Top Aging in Place Tips to Help Your Elderly Loved One
Is your elderly loved one planning to live in their house forever? If this is the case, you can help your elderly loved one to age in place. This means that they can be safe and healthy, without having to move out of their own house. Keep reading here for the top aging in place […]
Four Reasons National Salad Month Is a Great Idea for Your Senior
May is National Salad Month, which is perfect timing. Lots of different produce comes into season in May, and the weather is starting to warm up and hot meals may not be as appealing to your senior. You might also be looking for ways to help her to eat as healthfully as possible, and salads […]
Tips for Helping Your Elderly Loved One After Their Breast Cancer Treatments
Does your elderly loved one have breast cancer? If they have been getting breast cancer treatments, you and your elderly loved one know how tough this can be on them. The good news is there might be some things that can help your elderly loved one after their breast cancer treatments. Keep reading here to […]
How Can You Help Your Senior to Make Some New Habits?
Are there some new habits that your senior wants to introduce into her daily or weekly routine? There are some tips you can use that can help her to make that a lot easier. Introduce Changes Slowly The new habit might be a good one, and it might even be one that your senior is […]
Five Facts Your Senior Needs to Know about High Blood Pressure
What does your senior already know about high blood pressure? Some of these facts may help her to understand more about what she’s up against. Aging Stiffens Arteries, Making Blood Pressure Go Up As people get older, the entire cardiovascular system changes a bit. Arteries and other blood vessels get stiffer, sometimes called hardening of […]
Does Your Senior Want to Try Yoga?
If your senior is looking for a way to improve her health, yoga might be a great option for her. But can she really try yoga now, if she’s never done it before? She absolutely can, as long as she keeps some tips in mind. Yoga Is Fantastic for Balance and Flexibility Balance and flexibility […]
Prescription Medicine Abuse and Addiction
As a caregiver of an elderly parent living independently, you have a lot to look after for your parent to ensure his quality of life is meeting his expectations and yours. One area you may oversee is his prescription medications, and you might have discovered that there are some possible addictive medications that he is […]
Four Ways Diabetic Education Helps Your Senior
Diabetes used to be a really scary diagnosis. There are lots of tools and a lot more information that can help your elderly family member to manage her diabetes effectively without feeling as if she’s doomed. Home health care providers can be there with your senior every step of the way, showing her what she […]
Baby Boomers Are Determined To Age In Place
In 1946, soldiers came home from war and started making babies. And Americans kept making babies right through 1964. The resulting bump in population is called the “baby boom.” By 2030, all those boomers will be senior citizens. And the vast majority of them will only go to a nursing home as a last resort. […]
Getting Ready for Spring with National Cleaning Week, March 28-April 3
No matter what part of the country you live in, the days are getting longer, and the temps are getting stronger. For many of us, that’s a great reason to celebrate. Spring is also the perfect time to do some cleaning, both inside and out, as you and your elderly parent prepare for the brighter […]