Would Your Elderly Loved One Benefit from Bright Light Therapy?

Have you ever heard of light therapy? This is a type of therapy that uses light to help treat certain sleep disorders. It helps to change your elderly loved one’s sleep/wake cycle and daylight/nighttime cycle. Everyone’s body tells them when they are tired. If your elderly loved one’s circadian rhythm is messed up, they might […]

What Do You Need to Know about Chronic Wound Care?

Chronic wounds can be upsetting for you. There is usually at least a little pain involved and there’s the risk of infection and other issues, too. The more stressed out you are about a wound that is being stubborn about healing, the harder it might be for you to actually heal. Here are some of the […]

Four Important Facts about High Blood Pressure

Understanding high blood pressure and how to manage it properly is the key to success for your senior. If your aging family member has been diagnosed with higher than normal blood pressure levels, these are some important facts for you both to know so that you can make the best decisions possible.  Lifestyle Changes Can Help, but […]

Foot Issues Your Elderly Loved One Might Need Help With

The weight of the body can take a toll on a person’s feet, especially as we get older. There are also many foot issues that many senior citizens deal with. If you are helping to care for your elderly loved one, there are some foot issues that they may need help with. Keep reading here […]

Four Ways Your Senior Can Enjoy National Bird Feeding Month

February is the month of love, but it’s also National Bird Feeding Month. This can be a really fun month for you and your senior, especially if you’re new to bird watching and to feeding birds. Learning about the different birds, what they eat, and how to help them can be really educational for both you and your elderly […]

Why Seniors Struggle to Get Enough Nutrients

Many seniors struggle to get enough important nutrients in their bodies to keep them healthy. Essential nutrients help your elderly parent’s body maintain its strength, fight off viruses, and provide energy to do the things your parent wants to do. As a caregiver, you might be doing your best to provide your parent with the best healthy foods, but […]

Six Ways for Family Caregivers to Create Joyful Moments

You’re at your parents’ house and are ready to help out. Your parents are having a rough day. Rather than argue or become frustrated, find ways to create joyful moments. Here are six ideas to get you started.  Spend Time Coloring  Print out a coloring page designed for teens or adults or pull out a coloring […]

The Pros and Cons of Caffeine

As a caregiver of an aging parent, helping him live in his home by assisting in chores, meals and other aspects of daily living, you may also have begun to notice areas of his life that you were never really aware of before becoming his caregiver. If one of his habits that has drawn your attention is […]

You Can Help Your Elderly Loved One with Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is the foundation for living a healthier life overall. Yes, there are other things someone can do to improve and maintain their health. However, healthy eating helps with so many things. It gives someone energy, reduces the risk of health problems, improves sleep, reduces pain, and much more. You and senior care providers […]

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