Senior Care News

Does Your Senior Need Big Help Right Now?

Senior Care Sacramento, CA: Does Your Senior Need Big Help Right Now?

You may not always know exactly when it’s time to bring in some extra help, but some of these situations can mean your elderly family member needs assistance now. Getting help sooner rather than later is always going to be better, both for you and for your senior.

You’re Not Sure Your Senior Is Eating

Senior Care Sacramento, CA: Does Your Senior Need Big Help Right Now?

It’s vital that your elderly family member is getting the nutrients that she needs. In fact, it’s more important than ever that she’s eating healthy meals that give her all the best nutrition. The big problem is often that cooking has become a massive chore for her and isn’t as easy for her to manage on her own. Having someone else take over that task for her can be exactly what she needs to start eating right again.

You’re Hearing from Her in the Middle of the Night
You might find that your phone is ringing in the middle of the night a lot more often than it used to, especially if you and your elderly family member live apart. If the situation is one that involves an emergency, that’s one thing, but you might find your senior is starting to call just to talk. If she’s having trouble sleeping, she might be reaching out to you more often.

Your Senior’s Just Been in the Hospital
Getting out of the hospital is more taxing than you or your senior might realize at first. Depending on why she was in the hospital, she might need a great deal more aftercare than you might be able to handle on your own. Having some additional assistance right after she’s released can help your senior to avoid readmittance.

Your Senior’s Mobility Is Compromised
When your elderly family member doesn’t have the same ability to move that she used to have, everything in life is a lot more complicated. Having help getting used to using a walker or cane is incredibly helpful and can shorten the learning curve for your senior. They can also help her with tasks that have become too difficult because of mobility.

Your Senior Can’t Drive Anymore
Just because your senior is getting older, that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have plenty to do and to keep her occupied. But if she’s no longer driving, that’s a little more difficult for her to manage. Having help from senior care providers that do the driving ensures that she can still be just as socially active as she wants to be.

Some of these issues are ones that you’re already helping your senior to manage. But having help gives you a chance to catch your breath, too.

If you or an aging loved one needs Senior Care in Sacramento, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information. 

Jay Bloodsworth

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