Senior Care News

Encouraging Mom to Connect to Technology when You’re Her Caregiver

A Better Living Home Care Sacramento Encouraging Mom to Connect to Technology when You’re Her Caregiver

Caregiver in Fair Oaks CA

Technology has advanced so many aspects of life in modern society. Most people rely on technology far more than Caregiver in Fair Oaks CAthey actually realize. In fact, if you were to ask 100 people how much of their life (by percentage) is reliant on technology, most of them would likely vastly underestimate its impact.

Look around – just about everything you see, do, and touch is connected to technology in some way, shape, or form. The television, radios, cell phones, smart phones, tablets, and even lighting and thermostat control is often controlled by increasing technologies.

When you’re a caregiver for your mother, you may realize that your time is limited.  This is especially true if you have other obligations beyond just taking care of her. If you have a full-time job, are constantly running around trying to get everything done in a day, and go home late at night completely worn out and still didn’t get everything done, it can increase the stress and pressure on your life. You may very well be relying on technology for many aspects of your own personal well-being. You could be texting your spouse, family members, friends, coworkers, and even your boss to keep in touch rather than picking up the phone to talk to them.

Your mother may have a tendency to become depressed, feel lonely, and encourage you to spend more time with her talking, playing games, and doing things to make her feel better. This can place even more stress and pressure on you.

Perhaps your mother has vision related problems or can’t hear as well as she used to. If she has difficulty communicating she may not talk to friends or other family members as often as she may like. Technology can help in many of these areas.

Relying on a smart phone or tablet, even a laptop, could allow her to have video conferencing calls with her friends and other family members. Applications such as Skype and Google Talk offer the opportunity for people to see the individuals with whom they are talking. Your mother could end up having conversations with her friends who may also be able to use these technologies and, if she has hearing problems, she can type out her messages in a chat window while seeing and hearing her friends and other loved ones.

Just because she may not have any direct experience using a computer or relying on technology doesn’t mean she can’t experience its benefits. When you explain the incredible opportunities that technology offers people today, she may be more open to the prospect of discovering those benefits for herself.

If you or an aging loved one needs caregiver services in Fair Oaks, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.

Jay Bloodsworth

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