How well do you manage time? You might be an exceptional time management individual, somebody who seems to get more done every day than your friends, other family members, or coworkers. This may be just part of your makeup, something you developed from early on. For an elderly family member, though, time management may be difficult.
Seniors may be dealing with a number of challenges, especially physical or health related issues that slow them down. Suddenly it takes an hour or two longer to complete certain tasks that used to take 15 minutes or even just half an hour. That time management issue can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety.
By relying on home care support services, these experienced caregivers may help seniors better manage their time and that can leave them with a greater sense of purpose, accomplishment, and even dignity. Here are three key ways that home care can make a world of difference for seniors, especially with regard to time management.
Key Way #1: They can assist the senior making a schedule.
One of the most difficult things for some people is sitting down and making a schedule or plan about what they need to do on any given day. If the senior has difficulty accepting their physical limitations, that can be a problem.
An aide can sit down and go over the various tasks and goals the senior wants to accomplish on any given day, then help them figure out a schedule that works best for their physical capabilities and the time allotted to them throughout the day.
Key Way #2: Establishing goals.
Establishing goals is a powerful aspect of effective time management. If a person doesn’t have clear and concise goals, it will be difficult for them to stay on task and complete those goals as needed.
Goals should be set for hourly, daily, and weekly. If they don’t achieve these goals on time, it shouldn’t cause anxiety because goals can be adjusted.
Key Way #3: Monitoring successful completion of tasks.
When you keep a journal or a calendar in an easy to find location, keeping those goals there offers reminders, but it’s also a great way for seniors to put a checkmark next to the goal as it’s completed or simply cross it out. When you can see progress, a sense of accomplishment, that can be a powerful way to stay positive and focused on the next task at hand.
These are just a few ways that home care can make a difference in helping seniors feel more accomplished and independent every day.
If you or an aging loved one needs home care in Granite Bay, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.
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