Senior Care News

5 Ways Older Adults Can Ease Their Stress


Home Care in Sacramento CA

If your elderly loved one is dealing with stress, it could weigh heavily on their health. It could cause aches and pains, high blood pressure, and problems with their mental health. The more stress Home-Care-in-Sacramento-CAan aging adult deals with, the weaker their immune systems are and the more susceptible they are to developing a chronic illness.

Fortunately, stress does not have to be a part of the elder’s life. There are techniques that can be used to diminish these feelings and get your elderly parent back to feeling like their old selves once again. Doing the following activities will significantly reduce their stress level, but is more effective when done with a buddy. A home care provider can keep your loved one company, while also giving them the love and support needed to improve their health.

Stress Management Techniques

  1. Start doing yoga. The mellow, rhythmic movements found in yoga have a powerful effect on adults with stress. It focuses on deep breathing techniques, meditating, and stretching the muscles. Many seniors also like this form of physical activity because it is gentle on the joints and can help reduce bodily aches and pains. Numerous studies have also been conducted that found yoga not only reduces stress and anxiety levels, but it can also improve your mood.
  2. Walk. Exercising does not have to be strenuous to get results, and walking is the perfect example of that. It may be a low impact, relaxing activity, but can also reduce anxiety, depression, and stress symptoms, while also boosting the elder’s mood.
  3. Take a tea break. Unlike coffee, tea can lower a senior’s stress level, as well as give them a way to socialize. Inviting someone over for tea will give them another person to talk to, laugh with, and reminisce with. Not to mention this beverage can also prevent and treat neurological diseases.
  4. Become crafty. Drawing, painting, or coloring can be used as a form of meditation to calm the nerves and relax the body. Writing in a journal can also have that same affect, allowing your loved one to freely share their thoughts and feelings in the safety of their book.
  5. Create the perfect environment. Sometimes the best way to reduce stress is by having a strong support system. You, other family members, or an in-home care provider can help the elder feel important and wanted by just being there to listen to them. Whether they just want to share what they did throughout the day or something that is bothering them, the elder will surely be grateful for having another person to share these things with.

Stress can be a silent killer if it is not managed properly. Help your loved one overcome these feelings by following these techniques.

If you or an aging loved one needs home care in Sacramento, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.

Jay Bloodsworth

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