Senior Care News

Tips for Caring for a Senior with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease


Senior Care in Granite Bay CA

Alzheimer’s disease impacts more than 5 million people throughout the United States, which means that if you are a family caregiver for an elderly adult who has recently received a diagnosis of Senior-Care-in-Granite-Bay-CAthis disease, you are certainly not alone. You are at the beginning of a journey that many others are on as well, which means that you have a tremendous amount of support around you. One of the best ways to use this support is to prepare you for the challenges and demands that you might face in your care experience with your parent. This ensures that as they progress through the disease you are ready to give them the best level of care, support, and encouragement you can.


The progressive nature of the disease means that your parent’s symptoms and challenges will change, increase, and intensify over time. This also means that the care that you give them will need to change so that it continues to address your parent’s needs and challenges and give them the highest quality of life possible. Though the symptoms and changes that come along with the early stages of the disease tend to be quite mild, your care during this time will be crucial for establishing a foundation of care and setting the stage for the future care and support that you will give them.


Use these tips to help you care for your elderly loved one during the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease:

  • Be honest and upfront with them about your emotions. This will reassure them that the emotions they are going through are natural, and that you are there for them throughout this experience.
  • Talk to them about their feelings regarding the future of their care, including the possibility of hiring a senior care provider.
  • Work with them to record their thoughts and feelings about end-of-life medical care and arrangements, such as hospice, resuscitation, and life support so that you can feel confident you have made the right decisions when the time comes.
  • Help them to find ways to cope with their memory loss and maintain their independence.
  • Encourage them to stay active and engaged, which will not only support and strengthen their mind, but will also keep their quality of life high throughout their progression.


No matter what stage of Alzheimer’s disease your elderly loved one is currently facing, senior care can be exceptionally beneficial for you. A senior home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a customized schedule designed to address their individual needs, challenges, limitations, and symptoms, while also respecting their personality and lifestyle goals. This means that they will be able to help your parent manage the symptoms and changes that they are currently dealing with as well as prepare them for the changes that might occur later in the progression of the disease. When it comes to caring for a senior in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, this care provider can help your parent to modify tasks in their daily routine so that they are able to maintain as much of their independence as possible, encourage them to stay active and engaged, and support a high quality of life while strengthening and reassuring them about the stages to come.


If you or an aging loved one needs senior care in Granite Bay, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.



Jay Bloodsworth

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