Senior Care News

Senior Home Care Tips to Help Your Loved One Celebrate Easter

Easter: Senior Home Care Carmichael CA
Easter: Senior Home Care Carmichael CA

If your family celebrates Easter, then you know that this beloved holiday is just around the corner. Whether you’ve had long-standing traditions around the holiday or if you’re looking at celebrating it in a whole new way this year, here are five tips for you to help make sure your elderly loved one has a wonderful Easter.

Have Her Help with Pre-Easter Activities

Before Easter Sunday arrives, there is plenty to be done during this holiday season that your elderly loved one may enjoy. Many people like decorating their homes for Easter almost as much as Christmas. You can have your loved one get out all of her spring décor and brighten up her living space with it. A senior home care provider can assist if your loved one needs to get the decorations out of storage or can’t reach high enough to hang the flower garland.

Decorating Easter Eggs

If your children are painting eggs, make sure to invite your elderly loved one to come over and help or “supervise.” It can be a great chance for her to spend time with the little ones in her life.

Help her celebrate her faith. For many, Easter is a faith-based holiday with several opportunities for participating in faith-based activities at their place of worship. If this is an important part of your elderly loved one’s holiday, it will mean a lot to her to be able to attend services on Good Friday and/or Easter Sunday. Even if you aren’t there to help with transportation, you can look into public forms of transportation or have a senior home care provider make sure she gets safely to and from any faith-based events she’d like to attend.

Have Her Favorite Easter Foods

If you’re preparing an Easter meal, your elderly loved one will appreciate any food that brings back memories of her Easter holidays. You can ask your loved one in advance what she’d like to see at the table and help make that wish come true. If it’s not something you’re familiar with making, she might want to make it herself, with the help of her senior home care provider so have a chat with them to set up a time for them to help her make her favorite Easter dish.

Don’t overwhelm her. It might be that an early morning Easter Egg hunt, followed by a long church service, then a big meal, and finally an afternoon of outdoor games is just too much for your elderly loved one. Have her come for just the part that she’s most interested in and then let her go home to rest or find a quiet place in your home to rest.

Give her something to bring home. Whether it’s delicious leftovers or cute drawings from the grandkids, your loved one will enjoy having something to bring home to help her remember the wonderful time she had this Easter.

If you or an aging loved one needs Senior Home Care in Carmichael, CA, contact A Better living Home Care today (916) 514-7006

Jay Bloodsworth

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