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Signs that a Senior Needs Home Care

Home Care Davis, CA: Signs that a Senior Needs Home Care

It is common that you worry about the beloved seniors in your life, but it may take some close attention to determine their need for home care. Most often seniors face the typical results of aging while they may not have seen any of the more serious health troubles that require home care. Your senior loved ones may still even have a great amount of independence, but with some of these signs, it could be important to start considering their safety as much as their health. No matter what, it is important to show the love and care that you hold for the seniors in your life, including all of those close to you. It could take the recommendation for home care, even during part of the day, while the conversation is a difficult one to have.

10 Signs that Your Senior Loved One Needs Home Care

Home Care Davis, CA: Signs that a Senior Needs Home Care

1. Poor hygiene or appearance may lead to body odor, most often the result of forgetting to bathe or even forgetting to do the laundry.
2. Mood swings may come on suddenly due to a new cognitive issue. This often includes no longer enjoying hobbies that were formerly a frequent activity.
3. Trouble sitting and standing can be a combined simple sign of trouble with self-care.
4. Memory loss is a common need for home care or senior care. It is important to learn of this early on because more serious things forgotten may lead to greater risks.
5. Falls are an important sign that your senior loved one would benefit from home care. Other signs of poor mobility and balance could indicate a need for senior care as well.
6. Some additional forgetfulness could be the missing of appointments or forgetting to take their prescriptions. With these two items potentially harming your loved one’s health, home care could be helpful.
7. Even more so, forgetfulness on a daily basis may include regular home maintenance, chores, cleaning, and other needs. It could even include forgetting errands like grocery shopping or refilling the refrigerator. Additionally, forgetting to eat regular meals could become a problem.
8. Poor driving may appear by seeing scratches or dents on the car. Especially if there are some that you did not see the last time you were at their home to visit, it may be time to have the driving conversation or at least prepare for it quickly.
9. Facing an illness, injury, or surgery, and the recovery that comes afterward. It can be difficult, and home care may be more helpful while your loved one recovers in their home.
10. If your senior loved one lives alone in the same old house, they may eventually become lonely or isolated. This includes being less social than they were in the past followed by many health risks and a higher risk of mortality.


Sometimes you may very quickly see the need for home care for your loved one. However, it is usually something that takes a great deal of watching as these signs set in slowly. For this reason, it is important to remain close enough to them to communicate regularly and see these signs. You will be able to see the things that they forget or any of the mood swings or responses that come about while they are with you at family events. Sometimes you may be able to see at their home that formerly favorite hobbies are no longer around and that unpaid bills are sitting around with the mail. At that point, it may be the time to start “snooping” a little, even if it means offering a ride to their doctor’s appointment and ask a few questions of your own.


If you or an aging loved one needs Home Care in Davis, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.



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