Six Big Areas in Which Your Senior Might Need Help

Caregiver in Roseville CA: Areas in Which Your Senior Might Need Help

As a caregiver, you need to know what major categories encompass the areas of your senior’s life in which she needs assistance. Learning those categories helps you find the right solutions for her needs. Safety at Home. Your senior’s safety at home can cover a lot of ground. There’s general safety, like whether she can […]

Four Things Seniors Need to Do Right Now to Improve Their Health

Caregiver in Roseville CA: Four Ways to Improve Your Health

Per 2014 statistics, the CDC reports men have an average life expectancy of 83 years, while women are about 85 years. At the same time, the CDC reported that at least 21.8 percent of men and women over the age of 64 are in poor or fair health. The key to a long life is […]

Guarding Your Privacy When Living with an Elderly Loved One

Caregiver in Roseville CA: Privacy in a Multi-Generational Household

Sharing a home with an elderly loved one can be an amazing experience. Family caregivers like you that open your home to another are being very selfless with your time and space. The elderly person benefits because they get to be cared for by a relative, giving them a sense of comfort because they have […]

How Can You Help Your Parent Cope with a Urinary Tract Infection?


Caregiver in Roseville CA Each year approximately 8.1 million doctors’ visits throughout the United States are caused by urinary tract infections and their symptoms. These infections are caused by bacteria that flourishes in the various parts of the urinary system, including the bladder, ureters, kidneys, or urethra. The symptoms caused by these infections can be […]

Caregiver Recipes: Cornbread for Recipe Multitasking


Caregiver in Roseville CA As a family caregiver for your elderly loved ones, time is often of the essence when it comes to handling everything in your schedule, and this includes preparing for your holiday feast. One way to help you make the most of the time that you do have is to find ingredients […]

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