Senior Care News

Understanding the First Stage of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease impacts memory, cognition, and behavior in seniors, with early-stage intervention and support crucial for effective Alzheimer’s home care.
Alzheimer’s home care offers specialized support for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Alzheimer’s home care offers specialized support for seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease affects seniors’ memory, cognition, and behavior. It is a condition that is usually split into phases, with the first stage known as early-stage Alzheimer’s. Early intervention and support depend on knowledge of this first phase in order to provide effective Alzheimer’s home care.


Understanding Early Symptoms

Since the first stage of Alzheimer’s is usually mild, it is often confused with normal age-related forgetfulness. Still, there are particular symptoms that might point to the start of Alzheimer’s:

  • Difficulty Remembering: The most common early sign of Alzheimer’s is trouble remembering recent events or discussions. However, determining if it’s simple forgetfulness or true struggles with memory loss is key.
  • Complicating Complex Tasks: Seniors might be showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease if loved ones notice that tasks with multiple steps are more difficult than they might have been before.
  • Misplacing Objects: Another common indicator is frequently misplacing objects and not being able to backtrack to locate them. This goes beyond sometimes misplacing keys to routinely finding objects in odd locations.
  • Mood Swings: Early-stage Alzheimer’s can cause mood swings, confusion, and anxiety, as well as personality changes. Seniors could grow more introverted, less involved in social events, or quickly agitated.
  • Struggling with Words: If loved ones notice seniors struggling to find the correct words, repeating phrases, or having trouble following or participating in discussions, it could point toward early-stage Alzheimer’s.


Why Is Early Diagnosis Important?

Early-stage detection of Alzheimer’s is important for various reasons. First, starting early helps medical treatments and lifestyle modifications be more successful.

Although Alzheimer’s has no cure for now, several medications can help control symptoms and enhance quality of life. Early diagnosis lets seniors and their families make plans for the future, including legal, financial, and Alzheimer’s home care considerations. Plus, it gives time for significant decisions to be made while the senior with Alzheimer’s can still be involved.

Additionally, knowing what seniors are dealing with opens the door to community resources meant to assist those with the disease and their loved ones. This can include tips and tricks about Alzheimer’s home care, educational materials, and support groups.

Also, knowing the reason for symptoms helps seniors reduce anxiety and uncertainty related to cognitive deterioration.


Techniques of Coping and Support

Living with early-stage Alzheimer’s calls for proactive management of symptoms and preservation of quality of life through proper Alzheimer’s home care. Seniors should be encouraged to engage in regular physical activity, cognitive challenges, and social interaction, all of which can help slow down cognitive deterioration and increase general well-being.

Seniors should also focus on eating a well-balanced diet and creating a daily schedule that helps them feel in control of the changes that are happening. Finally, loved ones can help them reduce clutter in the home, label objects seniors use most often, and ensure any necessary modifications have been made.


Although the first phase of the disease signals the start of a difficult road, early intervention and support through Alzheimer’s home care can make a big difference during this period. Early symptoms should be identified, a diagnosis sought, and coping mechanisms used to enable seniors and their loved ones to successfully navigate this stage with confidence.



If you or an aging loved one needs Alzheimer’s Home Care in Folsom, CA, contact A Better Living Home Care today (916) 514-7006




Jay Bloodsworth

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