Senior Care News

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Shingles?

Elderly Care in Sacramento CA: Signs and Symptoms of Shingles
Elderly Care in Sacramento CA: Signs and Symptoms of Shingles

Shingles can be a serious and miserable condition for older adults. Coming from the same virus that leads to chickenpox, varicella zoster, herpes zoster can arise in anyone who has experienced chicken pox. Though people of any age, including children, can develop shingles if they have experienced chicken pox, the risk for developing this condition is much higher among older adults, and the risk increases every year. Being able to identify the signs and symptoms of shingles can help you to detect when your senior might be experiencing this condition, so you can get them the care and management they need as soon as possible. As with other health issues, early detection improves the chances of successful treatment, and reduces the risk of serious complications.


Elderly Care in Sacramento CA: Signs and Symptoms of Shingles
Elderly Care in Sacramento CA: Signs and Symptoms of Shingles

Some of the signs and symptoms of shingles include:

  • Pain.
  • Numbness.
  • Tingling.
  • Burning.
  • A rash that develops a few days after your parent begins to experience the pain symptoms.
  • Fluid-filled blisters on the skin that can burst open and then form a crust.
  • Itching.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Fever.
  • Sensitivity to light.


When they first occur, symptoms generally only impact a small portion of the body, and usually only on one side. If not treated promptly, the rash and other symptoms related to shingles can spread, and may begin to impact both sides of the body, as well as other parts of the body. A rash that occurs on the face can be particularly dangerous, as it can spread to the eyes and lead to infections and even loss of vision. The pain that occurs with shingles is usually the first sign of the disease, and can be so intense your parent may mistake it for being a sign of another serious health issue such as kidney disease.


If your aging parent is suffering a health issue or condition, elderly care can be a valuable addition to their care routine. Having an elderly home care services provider in the home with your aging parent while they are dealing with these challenges can empower them to take better care of themselves, support them in managing their issues in the ways that are right for them, and also meet their other personal needs in the ways that are right for them. This can include medication reminders. With these reminders, an elderly home care services provider helps your parent remember when and how to take their medication or follow through with treatments. This helps them to stay compliant, getting the most benefit from these instructions.

If you or an aging loved one needs elderly care in Sacramento, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.



Jay Bloodsworth

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