Senior Care News

What Kinds of Assistance Can Help Prevent Falls?

Elder Care in Fair Oaks CA: Preventing Falls
Elder Care in Fair Oaks CA: Preventing Falls

Preventing falls is often a major goal for family caregivers and that might mean that you need to tackle the problem from a few different fronts. Try some of these suggestions to help your senior to feel more secure at home.

Elder Care in Fair Oaks CA: Preventing Falls
Elder Care in Fair Oaks CA: Preventing Falls

The Right Footwear.

Sturdy shoes with a non-skid sole can go a long way toward helping your senior to keep her footing. Make sure that her shoes fit her well and that they’re comfortable enough for her to wear all day. If she hasn’t had her feet measured in a while, it might be time to have it done in a shoe store to get an accurate measurement.

A Safer Environment.

Chances are that if you take even a quick tour through your senior’s home, you’ll find something about her home that could be improved to reduce her risk of falling. These aren’t big improvements, either. Look for clutter or loose rugs. Make those small adjustments and then start looking for bigger adjustments, such as adding hand rails to walls.

Assistive Devices.

Canes and walkers are recommended for people with mobility issues because they help with stability. Your senior might hate the very idea of these items, though, because they make her feel old. The bottom line is that your elderly family member will be safer if she uses these items regularly. Make sure that she knows how to use the items that she has and that they’re easily accessible for her so that she can grab them when she needs them.

Personal Alarm Systems.

Personal alarm systems have been around for a long time, but the newer versions have features that help to automate them. Newer personal alarm systems include technology that senses a fall and calls for help right away. These types of wearable devices are tiny, but powerful.

Elder Care Providers.

Depending on your elderly family member’s needs, you might want to consider having someone there with her so she isn’t alone. This is especially important if you can’t be there with her as often as you’d like to be. They can help her with daily tasks, personal care needs, and simply keep her company.

Your elderly family member might need all or only a few of these tools to help her. Her situation can also change depending on her needs. Periodically revisit what she needs and what can help her the most so that you can put the best plan in place for her.

If you or an aging loved one needs elder care in Fair Oaks, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.

Jay Bloodsworth

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